O echipă de cercetători condusă de antropologul Gerhard Weber de la Universitatea din Viena a analizat un craniu descoperit în ruinele din Efes, Turcia, în 1929. Potrivit Science Daily, s-a speculat mult timp că ar putea fi rămășițele Arsinoe IV, sora celebrei Cleopatra. Noile analize antropologice arată însă că rămășițele aparțin unui băiat între 11 […]
The text appears to be about the discovery of a skull in Ephesus that archaeologists believe might belong to Cleopatra VII Philopator or her sister Arsinoe.
The main conceptual idea is that the discovery of this skull raises new questions and mysteries about these historical figures. While the identification is not confirmed, the find leads to further investigation and exploration of their lives and deaths.
The text appears to be about the discovery of a skull in Ephesus that archaeologists believe might belong to Cleopatra VII Philopator or her sister Arsinoe. The main conceptual idea is that the discovery of this skull raises new questions and mysteries about these historical figures. While the identification is not confirmed, the find leads to further investigation and exploration of their lives and deaths.